Wednesday, January 21, 2015

On The First Day God Created Light!

We had so much fun on this lesson day! Learning how God said let there be light, and there was light! Just like that! The two boys in my class just love learning all they can and going thru the days of creation step by step, one week at a time. It really helped solidify it in their minds, every week we reviewed the days and they just loved remembering what they had learned! Even tho I did not have elaborate crafts with expensive materials they still loved them, I love my little 4 year olds!


Genesis 1:3-5
"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."


ABeka Book: Genesis Series 1 
Creation, Adam, & Cain
Lesson 1 Creation
GA 1-1 Day 1

I will not share the text because it is Copyrighted. The above is what I used tho :)


On the first day God created light!

Now as simple and unprofessional this is, the kids really enjoyed doing this craft. It is made very simply with construction paper glued to a paper or styrofoam plate :) No need to buy anything expensive or do a messy project, kids just love to cut out triangles and glue them to a plate! (I love 4 year olds)


No need to get too creative on this one, especially if your kids do not come every Sunday, I just grabbed a bag of M&Ms and sorted out all the yellow ones! You, of course, can get more creative with your snack if you want :)


Seven Days of Creation Song

I found this song here! Please go check it out! It is to the tune of 'Are you sleeping brother John' so it is perfect for those little ones. They cannot read the words yet, but they can repeat after you! The kids are just so cute with this song :)


I got these coloring pages on this blog!
This post shows you what she did with the coloring pages and also, her crafts! My kids just love these coloring pages! Make sure to check out her original post! :)

The week was a good one, and the kids had such a fun time :) 

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